Best Practices: Mobile Apps

To help get you started on the platform, we’ve built integration outlines to help make implementing ByteBrew quick and easy.

Mobile Apps


In the Mobile Apps, setting up your app's ByteBrew implementation to analyze and optimize the following questions will instantly start you on the right path for success:


How users are progressing through your app?


Where your users are churning?


Which events your users engage with throughout their lifespan?


How are your users monetizing?


Where can you improve your monetization strategy?


What are your users enjoying?


What should you update to improve their experience?

See the implementation best practices below for what to implement when setting up your app with ByteBrew

Custom Events


Custom Events in ByteBrew enable you to deep dive across all of our extensive analytics dashboards. On ByteBrew, we built custom events to unlock unseen insights into your apps with our unique event structure.

Custom Event Structure

Custom Events on ByteBrew allow for an unlimited number of key, value sub-parameters under the custom event. For example, you can have an event called “AdWatch” that has a subparameter under the event named “Networks” and the values of that Networks subparameter could be “Applovin, Unity, Google, etc.”. To illustrate our custom event structure visually, see the following diagram.

Recommended Custom Events to Track

To ensure you’re equipped from the get-go, we’ve made a list of sample custom events you should integrate for your app. See how to integrate Custom Events in your games platform integration documentation page here.

Custom Events Sub-Parameters
Ad Start Ad Type, Placement, Location, Network, Revenue, Currency Type, User Profile
Ad Complete Ad Type, Placement, Location, Network, Revenue, Currency Type, User Profile
IAP Purchase Purchase Item, Purchase Type, Purchase Cost, Revenue, Currency Type, Location, User Profile
Item Unlocked Item Name, Item Type, Item Cost, Location, User Profile
Menu Opened Menu Name, User Profile
Shop Opened Location, User Profile

Remote Configs


Using remote configs, you can make updates to your app on the fly without needing to ship new versions of your app to the stores. Adding remote configs to your apps are a fantastic way to be agile and send updates or patches to players instantly. We recommend implementing remote configs throughout all parts of your app to allow you to tweak and tune as you analyze your app performance data. See a list of suggested remote configs below and learn how to integrate them in your games platform integration documentation page here:

Config Name Description Examples
Ads Turn on or off in-app advertising remotely. Ads control (on/off)
Reward Amounts Tune the rewards given to your users remotely. Soft currency, hard currency, consumables, non-consumables
App Inventory Disable, enable or update items remotely. Rewards, consumables, non-consumables
Shop Disable, enable or update items in the in-app shop remotely. Store items, purchase price, item sales, promotions
User Profile Edit the User Profile for your users in-app remotely. User Profile settings and options

Push Notifications


No matter what genre of app, push notifications are an effective way to continuously engage your users. Take a look at best practices for your messaging strategy. See how to integrate Push Notifications in your games platform integration documentation page here.

Push Notification Type Type Description Segment Setting
Day 1 Retaining Engagement Message Message to new users what have not returned to your app within 24 hours of their latest session and it's their 1st day since installation. Users who (1) First Played less than 48 hours ago, and (2) last played more than 24 hours ago.
Day 3 Retaining Engagement Message Message to new users what have not returned to your app within 24 hours of their latest session and it's their 3rd day since installation. Users who (1) First Played less than 96 hours ago, and (2) last played more than 24 hours ago.
Day 7 Retaining Engagement Message Message to new users what have not returned to your app within 24 hours of their latest session and it's their 7th day since installation. Users who (1) First Played less than 192 hours ago, and (2) last played more than 24 hours ago.