Setup Push Notification Apps

After creating your push notification app on the Push Notificiation dashboard, start setting up your iOS and Android settings for your push apps. Follow the iOS and Android tutorials below to set up your app's settings.

iOS App Settings

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Follow the steps below or watch the tutorial video to setup your iOS apps for push notifications and Create Apple Push Notification Service (Production & Sandbox) Certificate.

Step 1: Login to your Apple Developer Account

Login to your Apple Developer Account, and go to Certificates.

Step 2: Create a new Certificate

Create a new Certificate, and select "Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)" option under Services.

Step 3: Choose App

Select the app from the list you're setting up to use with this Certificate. This will be the app you exported to XCode. After selecting the app, hit Continue.

Step 4: Pick your Requst Signing Certificate

Pick your Request Signing Certificate. If you don't know how to get Request Signing Certificate from a Certificate Authority, then follow the next steps. However, if you already know how to get a Signing Request from a Certificate Authority, skip to Step 7.

Step 5: Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority

To request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority, head to your Keychain on your Mac, click Keychain Access and scroll to click "Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority". Follow the prompts after, and make sure to save it to the disk.

Step 6: Upload Certificate Signing Request

After Step 5, utilize the newly created Certificate Signing Request and upload it to the Apple Developer Portal.

Step 7: Install Certificate to Keychain

Download the newly created Certificate from the Apple Developer Console and install it to your Mac's keychain by double clicking it.

Step 8: Export Certificate as .P12 File

Go to your keychain and right click to export the newly added certificate as a .P12 file.

Step 9: Upload .P12 File

As the final step, upload the .P12 file to your Push Notification App settings and type in the password of the .P12 on the ByteBrew dashboard.

Android App Settings

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Follow the steps below or watch the tutorial video to setup your Android apps for push notifications.

Step 1: Add Firebase Project

Add a Firebase Project on to your Firebase Console and configure the Android ByteBrew App.

Step 2: Configure Firebase Project Settings

Go to your Firebase project settings to get the following configurations to input into the corresponding fields on the ByteBrew dashboard.


Firebase API Key: Under "Your Project" locate the "Web API Key" to input on the ByteBrew dashboard.


Firebase Project ID: Under "Your Project" locate the "Project ID" to input on the ByteBrew dashboard.


Firebase App ID: Under "Your Project" locate the "App ID" to input on the ByteBrew dashboard.

Step 3: Upload Firebase Service Account File

To fill "Firebase App Service Account (New)" Go to your Firebase project settings and Generate a service account file.


In Service Accounts, under Firebase Admin SDK click "Generate new private key".


If a warning prompt shows, go ahead and still click "Generate key".


Then upload the file to the ByteBrew Push Notification Android settings under "Firebase App Service Account (New)".

Step 4: Find Sender ID

As the final step for Android, find the Sender ID and the (Optional, Legacy) Server Key in the Cloud Messaging Tab of your settings and input them into the corresponding fields on the ByteBrew dashboard.


Locate and input Firebase Sender ID to the ByteBrew dashboard.


(Optional, Legacy) Locate and input Firebase Server Key to the ByteBrew dashboard, this is a legacy key and no longer required.