
Located under Custom Workspace tab on the dashboard, Cohorts enables you to plot when different cohorts of your players interact with each part of your game by seeing how users transition from one event to a second event using the tracked custom events in your games.

Required to Start using Cohorts


To start using Cohorts in Custom Workspace, you must first have initialized the ByteBrew SDK and integrated custom events in your game.

Building Cohorts

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Using Cohorts dashboard you have the ability to analyze your player's user behavior by taking any two custom events you're tracking in your game or app and see how players transition from the one event to the other. See the sections below to learn how to build cohorts on the ByteBrew Cohort dashboard.

Setting up a Custom Cohort

To setup a Custom Cohort open the Cohort Settings panel by clicking the "Create Cohort" button. Follow the steps below to set up your Cohort:


Select a Start Event for the Cohort: The start event can be a custom event you're tracking or a basic event we auto track in the SDK


Optional: Add subparameters you want that custom event you've selected as the start event to be filtered by.


Select an End Event for the Cohort: The end event can be a custom event you're tracking or a basic event we auto track in the SDK


Optional: Add subparameters you want that custom event you've selected as the end event to be filtered by.


Optional: Choose the metric you'd like to breakdown your Cohort by under Breakdown By. Default breakdown is Date.


Optional: Add an Aggregate By to output a calculation using the custom events you've setup in the Cohort. See below section on Aggregate By for more info about aggregate functions in Cohorts.

Aggregate By

Under the Cohort Settings panel you have the option to add a Aggregate function cohort setup. Adding an Aggregator will allow you to output a calculation on the values in your cohort using any of the aggregate function options. For example: if your cohort's goal is to visualize the average number of purchases made by your players, you could build a cohort where "Start Event = User Install" and "End Event = Purchase" with an "Aggregate By" function of "AVG". This cohort will output, the average number of purchases made by players each day they play. See steps below on how to add an Aggregator to your Cohort:


Enable Aggregate By by clicking the checkmark box.


After enabling Aggregate By, an Aggregator dropdown will appear. Under that dropdown, pick the aggregate function you'd like to have your cohort aggregate by. You are limited to one aggregate function per query. See below list to see the full list of options of aggregators:

Count (Default)
Unique: Showing the unique value per user.
Average: Outputs the average value.
Unique %: Outputs the percentage of unique users completing events.
Subparameters Aggregation: Allows you to aggregate by the value of a subparameter in your cohort's selected events.

Timespan Settings

In the Cohort Settings panel you also have the power to set a specific date range for your cohort query using Timespan Settings. See below for the options for settings your timespan:

Days: See options for daily cohort below.
7 Days
14 Days
28 Days
30 Days
60 Days
90 Days
180 Days
365 Days

Choosing Custom cohort range, you can set the exact dates you want to see in your cohort query.

Weeks: See options for Weekly cohort below.
4 Weeks
8 Weeks
16 Weeks
24 Weeks
32 Weeks
46 Weeks
52 Weeks

Choosing Custom cohort range, you can set the exact dates you want to see in your cohort query.

Months: See options for Monthly cohort below.
2 Months
4 Months
8 Months
12 Months

Choosing Custom cohort range, you can set the exact dates you want to see in your cohort query.

Apply Filters to Cohorts

Cohorts are filterable by our extensive filter set. All available filters can be found under the "Cohorts Filters" button. To add filters to your Cohort go into the Cohort Filters panel and select the filters you'd like to apply.

Cohort Graph

Cohorts will output a visual graph of the cohort query you build. This graph will show a line based on the average values of each column in your query. Hovering over the graph's bars you will see the name of the column the point represents and the cohort statistic connected to the point.

Cohorts Datatable Heatmap

In addition to the chart, Cohorts will output a heatmap datatable. In the datatable you will see the following information in the table below:

Breakdown First column in the table will be the breakdown selected when building the cohort. Default breakdown is Date
Total Users Total count of users for each row in the Cohort.
Total Events Total count of end events that users performed for each row in the Cohort.
Cohort Heatmap Table Output The cohort output of cells that make up the rest of the Cohort datatable. Inside each cell is two values: (1) The Top Number = Number of Events, (2) The Bottom Number = Number of Users

Saving Cohorts

After building a Cohorts, you have the option to save it; so you don't need to re-build the same cohort query each time. Follow the steps below to save a cohort:


After building your cohort, open the Save Filters panel by clicking the "Save Filters" button.


Type the name of the filter you're saving to remember what the filter you built.


Optional: Create Chart You have the option with Custom Workspace to save the cohort as a persistent custom cohort chart that will populate in real-time, continously in your "Saved Cohorts" dashboard under the "Saved Dashboards" tab of the dashboard. To do this, click the checkmark box called "Add this query to your Saved Cohorts dashboard".


Optional: Adding Chart Info If you have opted to add this cohorts as a saved chart, you have the option to "Title", add a "Description", and choose "Chart Type" to this chart. See list below for definitions of each:

Chart Title: This is the title that shows up on the chart when saved. Best practice is to name it with a title that will resemble what the query you've saved represents.
Chart Description: This is a subtitle under the chart that you can use to describe what the cohort you've saved represents when referencing the chart later to you or your teammates.
Chart Type: Choose between a Block or Row chart. Block charts are a square chart that takes up half of a row. Row charts are a rectangular chart that takes up an entire row on a dashboard.

Loading Cohorts

Any Cohorts you save can be reloaded later into the Cohorts dashboard by clicking the "Load Filters" button to open the Load Filters panel. See the options list below the Load Filter panel:

Load Saved Filter: To load a filter you've saved in the "Load Filter" panel, click "Load" button next to the saved filter you want to analyze.
Delete Saved Filter: To delete a filter you've saved in the "Load Filter" panel, click "Delete" button next to the saved filter you want to remove.

Exporting Charts


Every chart on the ByteBrew dashboard is able to be exported via .csv by clicking on the three dots icon in the corner of the chart.


Yes, in the top right corner of the Cohort Graph, you can select the "Show Breakdown" checkmark to have your chart breakdown it's values into individual lines instead of one average line.

Yes, to edit a saved Cohorts filter, load the Cohorts filter into the page to populate the saved settings, then make your changes to the filter and save your new edits over the current settings to overwrite the saved filer.