Monetization Analytics

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ByteBrew's Monetization Dashboard connects to all your revenue sources to track, validate and analyze how your app or game monetizes. Using monetization you can not only track and validate your in-app purchases, but also connect your in-game ad mediation partner to analyze your game's ad performance across your waterfall.

Required to Start using Monetization


Our monetization dashboard tracks your game's revenue from all your in-game monetized sources. Requisites for using monetization will depend on how you monetize in your game. See the table below for requirements based on how you monetize:

Monetization Channels Required Integrations
App monetizes with both In-App Purchases & In-Game Ads

1. Integrate ByteBrew SDK

2. Implement Purchase Validation (or Purchase Tracking) in your game.

3. Connect your in-game ad monetization (or mediation) partner.

App only monetizes with In-Game Ads

1. Connect your in-game ad monetization (or mediation) partner.

App only monetizes with In-App Purchases

1. Integrate ByteBrew SDK

2. Implement Purchase Validation (or Purchase Tracking) in your game.

How to integrate In-App Purchases

In-App Purchase integration takes place in the implementation process of the ByteBrew SDK. Go to your platform's SDK documenation page to learn how to track and validate purchases using ByteBrew. When In-app purchase tracking has been integrated, then purchases will auto-populate on the Monetization dashboards.

Connect your Ad Monetization Partner

To connect your ad monetization partner to the ByteBrew platform, follow the steps below:


Navigate to the Monetization dashboard.


Enable Ad Monetization Tracking


Click Monetization Settings button to open the Monetization settings panel.


Once in the panel, choose your monetization partner in the dropdown.


Fill in the required credentials to connect with the dashboard with your ad partner. (Find your networks required credentials on the Connected Ad Monetization Partner table)

Update your Ad Monetization Partner

To update your ad monetization partner settings, follow the steps below:


Open your Monetization Settings panel.


Navigate to the "Update Network" tab.


Choose your existing partner.


Update the settings for the partner.

Remove your Ad Monetization Partner

To remove your ad monetization partner settings, follow the steps below:


Open your Monetization Settings panel.


Navigate to the "Remove Network" tab.


Remove the partner you've setup.

Connected Ad Monetization Partners


ByteBrew is connected to the top ad monetization and mediation partners to analyze and breakdown your ad monetization strategy in your games. Find your partner below to learn what steps and credentials are required to connect them to ByteBrew.


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Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Admob to ByteBrew:


Go into your Google Cloud Console and enable the AdMob API


Go to your API & Services consoles Credentials panel


Add a new credential set, and select OAuth client ID. If there is a message requiring a OAuth Consent Screen setup, create a consent screen and make sure publishing status is in production.


Inside for Application Type, select application as "Web Application".


Add a new credential set, select OAuth client ID.


In "Authorized JavaScript origins" add ""


In "Authorized redirect URIs" add ""


Create the credential and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.


Add all the required credentials then hit authorize and follow the Google Auth flow.

Admob Credentials

Input the following credentials into the ByteBrew dashboard to complete the Admob integration process:


Client ID: Located during the integration process


Client Secret: Located during the integration process


Publisher ID: From you Admob settings


App ID: From the app you're monetizing

Applovin MAX

Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Applovin Max to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input your Report API Key from the settings on Applovin account in the ByteBrew Monetization Settings panel.

Unity Level Play (Ironsource)

Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Ironsource to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input the Secret Key from Ironsource


Input the Refresh Token from Ironsource


Add the Username of your Ironsource account


Input the App Key from Ironsource

Unity Ads

Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Unity Ads to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input the API Key from "Monetization" Tab -> "Setup" Dropdown -> "API Management" and Copy the Monetization Stats API Access.


Input the Game ID from "Monetization" Tab -> "Project Overview" Dropdown -> "Ad Units" and Copy the platform specific Game ID.


Input the Organization ID from "Projects" Tab -> "Organization Settings" Tab and Copy the Organization ID.


Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Inmobi to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input the Username in your Inmobi account settings.


Input the Secret Key found in your Inmobi settings.


Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Tapjoy to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input the Marketing Key found in your Tapjoy settings.


Follow the steps below to learn how to connect Adcolony to ByteBrew Monetization Dashboard:


Input the API Key from your monetization settings from Adcolony.


App ID of your app being monetized from Adcolony.

Monetization Analytics Charts


Monetization analytic charts breakdown your game's key monetization metrics based on your monetized sources.

See the table below for a breakdown of all the Monetization analytics charts:

Dialy Revenue Chart This shows the daily revenue being earned from your game. This chart will have two lines: one that shows IAP revenue and the other that shows Ad revenue.
Ads Shown Chart Ads Shown Chart tracks the total number of ads shown in the game day by day. This chart will show 3 different lines: one that shows Reward Video count, one that shows Interstitial Ads count, and one that shows Banner Ads count.
Purchases Chart Purchases Chart tracks the total number of purchases made in the game day by day.
ARPDAU Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) chart shows the daily fluctuation of ARPDAU in your game. This combines all sources of available revenue (Ex. ad revenue + purchase revenue) to give a true statistic for your game's daily ARPDAU.
Waterfall Breakdown Chart This chart shows a breakdown of your mediation platform's waterfall. There are several lines that highlight each network's performance in the waterfall on a daily basis.
Top Purchases Pie Chart This pie chart gives a breakdown of the top 10 purchases made in your game over the course of the queried date range.
Top Ad Revenue Sources Pie Chart This pie chart gives a breakdown of the top 10 performing ad networks in your game over the course of the queried date range.
Network Breakdown Table This table gives you the ability to search and query your game's ad monetization data to break down ad performance based on dimensions such as: placement, geo, etc.
Purchase Details Breakdown Table This table gives you a table to view revenue metrics for each of your game's purchases.

Exporting Charts


Every chart on the ByteBrew dashboard is able to be exported via .csv by clicking on the three dots icon in the corner of the chart.


All analytics on ByteBrew shows up in real-time. There aren't any wait periods like other platforms. Seconds after your user's play your game, you will see data start showing up on the dashboard.

This depends on how you monetize your games. If you have IAPs in your game, then you must initialize the ByteBrew SDK and implement Purchase Tracking (or Purchase Validation). If you only use in-game ads to monetize, then you only need to implement your monetization partner under the ByteBrew Monetization dashboard (see full list of intructions by network above). If you use both IAPs and in-game ads, then you must do all the steps for both implementing the ByteBrew SDK, integrating purchase tracking and connecting your ad monetization partner on the dashboard.

The dashboard operates in UTC time.

Ad reveneu reporting runs once a day at UTC Midnight.

Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) combines all sources of available revenue (Ex. ad revenue + purchase revenue) to give a true statistic for your game's daily ARPDAU.

No, you only need to implement the mediation partner. Our system will automatically retrieve your waterfall network data.

No, ByteBrew is not able to track purchase refunding from the app stores.