Custom Analytics

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Located under Custom Workspace tab on the dashboard, Custom Analytics enables you to analyze any of the custom events you track in your games by building individual queries with applied event filters. Learn how to use Custom Analytics in the video tutorial above. Custom Analytics is a legacy dashboard. Use our new advanced, Mechanics dashboard to get even more functionality and depth for your queries .

Required to Start using Custom Analytics


To start using Custom Analytics in Custom Workspace, you must first have initialized the ByteBrew SDK and integrated custom events in your game.

Building Custom Analytics

Using the Custom Analytics dashboard you have the ability to analyze multiple custom events at once, each with thier own event filtering to see how your user's interact with each individually. See the sections below to learn how to build analytics queries on the ByteBrew Custom Analytics dashboard.

Setting up a Custom Analytic Query

To setup a Custom Analytic follow the steps below:


Select the "Event Settings" button under your first Query to open the Event Settings panel.


Go to the "Event Filters" tab in the Event Settings panel.


Choose the custom event(s) you want to analyze under your query. You must have at least 1 custom event selected per query line.


Optional: Go to "User Filters" tab to apply filters to the events you want to analyze in the query.


Optional: Select the "+" to add a second query you want to be apart of your Custom Analytics output and repeat Steps 1-4 to select custom events and filters for the second query. You can add up to 5 queries to be analyzed simultaneously.


Optional: Choose a Breakdown option for your query. Default is Date.


Optional: Choose an aggregate function for your queries. Default is count.

Saving Custom Analytics

After building a Custom Analytics, you have the option to save it; so you don't need to re-build the same cohort query each time. Follow the steps below to save a custom analytic query:


After building your Custom Analytic, open the Save Filters panel by clicking the "Save Filters" button.


Type the name of the filter you're saving to remember what the filter you built.


Optional: Create Chart You have the option with Custom Workspace to save the cohort as a persistent custom analytics chart that will populate in real-time, continously in your "Saved Analytics" dashboard under the "Saved Dashboards" tab of the dashboard. To do this, click the checkmark box called "Add this query to your Saved Analytics dashboard".


Optional: Adding Chart Info If you have opted to add this analytics as a saved chart, you have the option to "Title", add a "Description", and choose "Chart Type" to this chart. See list below for definitions of each:

Chart Title: This is the title that shows up on the chart when saved. Best practice is to name it with a title that will resemble what the query you've saved represents.
Chart Description: This is a subtitle under the chart that you can use to describe what the custom analytic you've saved represents when referencing the chart later to you or your teammates.
Chart Type: Choose between a Block or Row chart. Block charts are a square chart that takes up half of a row. Row charts are a rectangular chart that takes up an entire row on a dashboard.

Loading Cohorts

Any Custom Analytics you save can be reloaded later into the Cohorts dashboard by clicking the "Load Filters" button to open the Load Filters panel. See the options list below the Load Filter panel:

Load Saved Filter: To load a filter you've saved in the "Load Filter" panel, click "Load" button next to the saved filter you want to analyze.
Delete Saved Filter: To delete a filter you've saved in the "Load Filter" panel, click "Delete" button next to the saved filter you want to remove.

Exporting Charts


Every chart on the ByteBrew dashboard is able to be exported via .csv by clicking on the three dots icon in the corner of the chart.


Yes, to edit a saved Custom Analtics filter, load the Custom Analytics filter into the page to populate the saved settings, then make your changes to the filter and save your new edits over the current settings to overwrite the saved filer.